Sharing Wisdom, Resilence,
and a Well-Rounded Perspective
September 16, 2021
7-8pm on Zoom
Please join us!
Everyone is invited to join in a lively conversation about how men, young and old, have shaped and will shape our lives and communities.
How might older men find their place through light and darkness, on the male spiritual journey?
Which physical and spiritual changes are unique to older men?
Details & Zoom Connection Info
Led by:
Paul Koch - Co-Convener for Illuman of the Ozarks
Alex Ruth - Men’s Coordinator, Podcast Host, Curriculum Author
Jan Aerie, M.S. - Family Counselor, Gerontologist
The session is free and no pre-registration is necesssary.
Join our Zoom Webinar
Meeting ID: 831 7535 9064
Voice: +13126266799,,83175359064# US (Chicago)
You do not need a Zoom account in order to use the software and join our councils.
To participate you will need to download the Zoom application onto your computer or your phone.
If this is your first time using Zoom, give yourself a chance to download the application and get into the session before it starts.