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The Men’s Rites of Passage (MROP)
The Rites of Passage (Rites) employ carefully designed rituals, small group discussion, and private time spent in extensive wilderness that surrounds the retreat center. The effectiveness of this approach is confirmed through 25 years of delivery with thousands of initiated men, in many countries. They tell us the Rites help then go deeper in understanding themselves and their relationship with the divine.
Each man comes to the event to work on aspects of their life and stage that are particular to them. Rituals help break open the shell that keeps us thinking and acting in a mostly automatic manner.
Many men tend to live in their heads. The Rites of Passage help men learn to listen, speak, live and love from an expanded heart.
Men often operate from an over-controlling ego. The Rites of Passage help men discover their true self that balances the constricting elements of ego.
Many men experience and carry fear, shame, and anger throughout life — often unconsciously -- all of which reduce our ability to live a fully human, loving and generative life.
Franciscan theologian Richard Rohr says, "Pain that is not processed and transformed is transmitted." The Rites of Passage help us transform negative thoughts and feelings into our greatest gifts.
Where are you on your spiritual journey?
How would you describe your understanding of and relationship with the Divine or a "power greater than yourself"?
What regular spiritual practices help you grow spiritually? In what ways do they help you?
What is the next work for you to do to go deeper in your self-awareness?
What assistance would help you on your spiritual journey?
Would you be interested in hearing about a Men’s Rites of Passage, a nature-based retreat run by men for men?
Areas of life and spirituality addressed at the Rites:
Authenticity -- How do you feel about your level of authenticity, otherwise known as your true self? What gets in the way of expressing your true self in the deepest and most authentic ways?
Inner Freedom — How would you characterize your degree of inner freedom? Have you been able to free yourself of the hurts, guilt, shame, or other deformative aspects of your life (your False Self), and embrace who you really are (your True Self)?
Addictions — What do you see as your biggest, most constricting addictions?
Love — What is your experience of love -- how do you give and receive it?
Relationships — How deep and rewarding are your relationships with family, friends, colleagues, the broader community, and creation?
Death — Have you processed the reality of your ultimate (if not imminent) death? In what ways do you use the awareness of your mortality to inform your perspectives, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors?
MROP Information and Links to Register
Hosted by Illuman NorCal
November 3 - 7, 2021
EverGreen Ranch
Oak Run, California
Have you already been initiated and are looking to go deeper?
Illuman offers progarms for initiated men to conduct deeper spiritual work during the MROP.
A Prayer
Dear God, kindle a fire in me,
kindle it and let it burn to a white heat.
Kindle a fire and let it rage inside me to feed itself
on my bone and blood and sinew
until I am consumed and only the fire remains.
Turn my soul into a blaze, God, a blaze so bright and hot
that it can be felt right through me
to warm with your warmth all who come near.
Finding God at Home: Family Life as a Spiritual Discipline
by Ernest Boyer