Paul Koch and Rod O’Keefe will lead a small group on themes, points, and reflections raised in Richard Rohr's Immortal Diamond: Searching For Our True Self. It will be virtual and open to all. Please email Paul if you may be interested. The discussion will run for ten weeks and will be co-led from a participant immersing himself in a course taught by Richard Rohr himself. You may go in and out of the study weeks as needed.
What is the Immortal Diamond? It is Truth inside of you! Our lives have been forged by stresses, pressures, experiences, struggles, and faith factors like a piece of dirty coal that ultimately becomes the most beautiful and resilient substance ever. This diamond is held closely by our risen savior Jesus Christ. But theologically speaking, since Mark's gospel, we have run away from resurrection. Despite angels proclaiming good news, we are frightened to embrace life, faith, destiny, and our true selves. The time together in our group will help provide sure footing for the new journey ahead. This online group is not a book study but is a sharing circle with points raised in each chapter in the book. (You need not have read the book or be a reader to gain a wealth of content and be a full contributor.)
An indication of interest is appreciated, but you may log in directly:
Join our Zoom HD Video Meeting
Meeting ID: 972 208 1505Email Paul Koch to RSVP or with questions.