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Pandemic Dreaming

Pandemic Dreaming

Pandemic Dreaming

Dreams are the guiding words of the soul.
— C.G. Jung, The Red Book


Pandemic Dreaming

Many people believe that the ephemeral images of dreams are letters from the Divine, often unopened and unappreciated for the treasures they hold for us. In this pandemic time, as we are inundated with external information and misinformation, this online intensive offers us a chance to listen to and learn from a uniquely personal source of knowing —our dreams.

What are our psyches doing with this uncharted, liminal, and seemingly futureless period of pervasive disruption? Most if not all of the familial, social, economic, political, and religious structures we have become accustomed to have been vastly altered. Perhaps our dreams can help inform us about the impact of these changes at deeper levels. What are our dreams telling us about our unique responses to this pandemic time? How are our core wounds being triggered and expressed? Messages come to us in dream form for a reason. Our waking egos keep them out of conscious awareness in order to protect our sense of security and avoid the risk of deep change and transformation. Ironically, those who attend to dreams dare to awaken further.

In this virtually-offered dreamtime immersion, we will give dreams our full attention. We will re-inhabit them and invite them into our day as companions holding deep wisdom.

Please join us for this uncharted journey into your own psyche. Dreams will be your guide for honoring your soul’s expression and enriching your path toward wholeness.

In this virtual offering you will learn how to:

  • attend to dreams and understand their importance

  • tell your dreams and receive the dreams of others

  • explore the gifts of nightmares and other charged dream experiences

  • cultivate your own wholeness and healing through dream elements

Your Dreamworld Guides

Glenn Siegel

Glenn Siegel, M.D.

Glenn facilitated personal transformation as a psychiatrist for over three decades, co-developing a unique treatment model based on Authenticity as the “curative” force. Now retired from psychiatric practice, Glenn has completed training as a Wild Mind nature-based guide through the Animas Valley Institute for those courageous enough to risk encounter with their soul gifts and the psychospiritual upheaval that may result. It is through such a journey that deepest healing and “wholing” can occur and our most profound contributions to both humanity and the larger Earth may be realized.

Mark P. Timken, LMHC

Mark is a nature-based psychotherapist, writer, naturalist, guide, and an agent of cultural evolution—in service of the earth. He is a stakeholder and elder for the Vashon Wilderness Program and Journeymen Institute. Mark devotes himself to the life of inner transformation and expression in support of wholeness and self-healing.

Mark P. Timken

Cost & Registration

This virtual intensive will include a combination of dream work, council sharing, directed wanders, and journaling.  Everyone at any place on the gender identity and sexual orientation spectrum is welcome. In fact, the more diverse our group is, the richer and more “wholing” the experience will be for us all.

Cost: $80

Dates: September 10-13, 2020

  • 4 Daily Sessions - 2 hours each

  • Thursday/Friday: 7 - 9pm CDT

  • Saturday/Sunday: 10am - 12pm CDT

For more information or questions, email Glenn Siegel or call (708) 288-8761.

August 29

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Cultivating Gender Wholeness for Women and Men

October 15

Soularize 2020 - The Masculine Path to Healing