As you consider #GivingTuesday and year-end charitable giving… An Invitation by Illuman of the Ozarks to be ALL IN
Brothers, Illuman of the Ozarks operates on a short-whisker budget. All of our vital work is accomplished by committed and active volunteers; there is zero remuneration. Money collected goes to Illuman chapter dues, insurance, website, communications, and mailbox. That’s all!
Well, our Santa Christmas whiskers are still razor thin. We rarely ask for contributions but please take a moment and click on Support — Illuman of the Ozarks ( Any amount or payment plan is greatly appreciated. Checks are welcomed to P.O. Box 2009, Rolla, MO 65401
The coming year already hearkens great excitement. Because of your generosity, we will:
· Meet for council & weekend getaways. Each has a unique theme and entrees for deep growth. Locations are across our region
· Hold our first Drum Birthing since 2017 - May 3-5, near Chillicothe, MO
· Host the third Sons & Fathers Weekend deep in the Ozark wilderness Oct. 11-13
· Show up at Awaken 2024, next door at Lake Williamson in Carlinville, IL, Oct. 31-Nov. 3
· Encourage and support men completing their Men’s Rites of Passage (MROP)
· Lead a variety of online gatherings such as A Father for Generation Alpha and 47: Navigating the Midlife Passage that reach men around the world.
· Please visit to learn more about all we do.
Together we do wonderful things but consider for a moment how one man is changed….
I was broken when I discovered Richard Rohr. I stumbled on to the many spiritual, mystical people in his orbit: James Finley, Mirabai Starr, Barbara Holmes, Cynthia Bourgeault, Brian McClaren…. As I continued looking for answers, I came across Illuman. One of the first things I saw was "Meet other men committed to becoming better, more authentic men."
I wanted and needed that. The honesty, vulnerability, and authenticity of the men in our circle was something that I've not witnessed before. It was a sacred, safe space for me to share my pain. That Council "sealed the deal" for me, I knew that I wanted to go through the Men's Rite of Passage. I felt very supported by this group as that experience has changed my life. I had been transmitting my pain to others for decades.
The process of examining my core wound and the grieving that followed is now transforming that pain. I'm so grateful to you all for "listening from the heart" as I have shared that experience with you. I'm still cracked (broken), but that's how the light gets in. Alan J.
Thank you for your generous support and see you soon! The Men & Board of Illuman of the Ozarks